


实验室链接: http://www.shipm.cn/jyjz_web/html/DefaultSite/jyjz_syxz_hyf_sysjj/List/index.htm

2001 – 2005 同济大学 应用化学(本科)
2005 – 2008 德国慕尼黑大学 化学(硕士)
2008 – 2012 德国马普生物物理化学研究所 神经生物学(博士/博士后)
2012 – 2014 德国马普神经生物学研究所 神经生物学(博士后)
2014 – 2018 德国马普脑科学研究所 神经生物学(博士后)
2018 至今 上海精准医学研究院(研究员)

Y Hua*, S Loomba, V Pawlak, KM Voit,P Laserstein, KM Boergens, D Wallace, JN Kerr*, M Helmstaedter*,
Connectomic analysis of thalamus-driven disinhibition in cortical layer 4, Cell Reports, 2022, 41(2):111476.

Y Hua*, X Ding, H Wang, F, Wang, Y Lu, J Neef, Y Gao, T Moser*, H Wu*
Electron Microscopic Reconstruction of Neural Circuitry in the Cochlea, Cell Reports, 2021, 34(1): 108551

Y Hua*,P Laserstein, M Helmstaedter*,
Large-volume en-bloc staining for electron microscopy-based connectomics, Nature Communications, 2015, 6: 7923

Y Hua, A Woehler, M Kahms, V Haucke, E Neher*, J Klingauf *,
Blocking endocytosis enhances short-term synaptic depression under conditions of normal availability of vesicles, Neuron, 2013, 80(2): 247~249

Y Hua, R Sinha CS Thiel, R Schmidt, J Hüve, H Martens, SW Hell, A Egner, J Klingauf *,
A readily retrievable pool of synaptic vesicles, Nature Neuroscience, 2011, 14(7):833~839

Y Hua, R Sinha, M Martineau, M Kahms, J Klingauf*,
A common origin of synaptic vesicles undergoing evoked and spontaneous fusion, Nature Neuroscience, 2010, 13(12): 1451~1453